The owner enters into agreements for the hire of skips and disposal of contents upon the following conditions:
​No agent or employee of the owner is permitted to alter or vary these conditions in any way or to give consent thereunder unless authorised in writing by the owner to do so
The owner will use their best endeavours to comply with the hirer’s requirements but can accept no responsibility for failure to supply or for any delay in supplying skips which may be caused directly or indirectly by any circumstances
beyond the owner’s control or for any unforeseen or abnormal conditions or by any act on the part of the hirer.
The hirer shall keep the owner indemnified against any claim, demand or penalty arising out of the presence of the skip on the site and which could not have been made or inflicted had the skip not been placed on this site.
The hirer shall direct the driver to deposit or pick up the skip.
Where the driver is directed to deposit or pick up the skip on or from a site which is off a highway the owner shall be under no liability whatsoever to the hirer for any damage howsoever caused whilst this vehicle is off the highway, and to keep the owned indemnified against any claim or demand which could not have been made had the driver not been so directed. The hirer will compensate the owner for any damage to the vehicle or the skip which would not have occurred had the driver not been so directed.
The time allowed for depositing or picking up a skip is ten minutes. If the vehicle is kept waiting longer, then the hirer shall be liable for reasonable time demurrage.
The hirer shall ensure that all permissions required before skips can lawfully be deposited on the site, including the permissions required under the Highways Act 1971 have been or will be obtained before he directs the driver to deposit the skip.
The hirer shall not move the skip from the site without consent of the owner.
The hirer shall ensure that no waste to which section 3 (1) of the deposit of Poisonous Waste Act 1972 and the Control of Pollution Act 1974applies will be placed in the skip without the written consent of the owner.
The hirer shall ensure that from the time the skip is deposited until it is picked up again by the owner: -
a. It is properly sited in accordance with the permission given
b. It is properly lighted during the hours of darkness
c. No fires are lit in it
d. It is filled no higher than the top of its sides
e. It suffers no damage except fair wear and tear
f. It remains the property of the owner and the hirer shall not sublet it, part with it, or make alterations to it
g. The owner is in no way responsible for any property, or any personal effects deposited
h. The skip is not moved onto the highway without prior notification to the owner
Except as specifically otherwise agreed in writing the hirer shall fill the skip within the period of hire as stated on front of the ticket. After the stated period the owner then has the right to pick up and remove the skip. The collection of the skip is at the customer’s request unless it is past due it's rental agreement
Except as specifically otherwise agreed in writing the owner agrees to dispose of the contents of the skip.
Cheshire waste skip hire has the right to return all waste to the site unless full payment is received
If Asbestos, or suspected Asbestos, is contained in a skip sorting and admin fee will be charged and a report will be sent
The environment agency. The asbestos will be returned to customers site for correct disposal.
Skips must not contain: asbestos | fluorescent tubes | gas cylinders | pressurised containers | oils
Any asbestos found in the skips upon return will be subject to £100 handling charge and returned to you.
Skips should not contain any of the following and additional disposal charges will be applied per item: fridges/freezers
(£40) | tyres (£10) | items containing pops incl. Sofas, armchairs, sofa beds, bean bags, futons, cushions (£20)
All charges are subject to vat
The hirer is responsible for informing the owner when a skip is ready for collection. The owner will be out to collect this as soon as possible, during busy periods this may take longer than expected
Once the rental period has passed the hirer acknowledges the skip may be collected at any time and agrees to not block in our delay/prevent the owner in collecting the skip
If the hirer requires the skip to be collected by a certain date they acknowledge they must provide ample notice